Through the ups and downs of their lives from childhood to adulthood, you have always loved your children. Along the way, though, you questioned some of the financial decisions they made, making you think carefully as you created an estate plan. If thrust in such a...
Estate Planning
The many ways in which an estate planning attorney helps
You have delayed long enough and want to put the hesitation behind you. It is time to create an estate plan. You want to be the one who decides what happens to your assets and who will get them. However, you also understand that you know little about the estate...
Will Your Family Argue About Your Will?
At its core, an estate plan is about your family. This collection of documents helps people organize their assets, draft trusts, assign power of attorney and name beneficiaries. Though parents have the best intentions in mind with their planning, some of their heirs...
Strategies for minimizing the risk of estate litigation
Nobody wants the death of a loved one to turn into a family feud among the survivors, but money can do strange things to people. As well as you know your relatives, you will never know for sure that one of your family members might not object to the way your assets...
Is it time for a guardianship for your special needs loved one?
Most adults have the legal authority to handle their own affairs. They work jobs, pay rent or a mortgage and maintain their own household. When they need medical care, they decide what to do after looking into all of their options. Still, there are adults who are not...
A shrinking estate tax exemption?
2017 ushered in an era of massive tax cuts, including a close to $12 million individual exemption. However, now, with an economy reeling, exploding government deficits, and political winds suggesting a changing regime federally, we need to concern ourselves with the...
Three things everyone should know when creating an estate plan
A proper estate plan can keep your loved ones from guessing your intentions when you are no longer able to answer their questions. It can also ensure that your loved ones received precisely what you mean for them to have. If you do not have an estate plan, it is hard...
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2016 Newsletter
Three tips to prepare for meeting an estate planning attorney
New Jersey residents can take these steps to ease the estate planning process. Estate plans are beneficial for a number of reasons. These plans can be tailored not just for the distribution of assets, but can also provide advantages during the creator’s lifetime. This...